The things I’ve seen and done…

Hello Kids,

It’s-a-me Leo! (read it with Mario’s voice)
Here’s in case you are lost:

I’m just pretending like I’ve been taking care of the blog since I opened it, so please play along.
All my 10 million readers are gone by now, gotta start from scratch.
When I thought about writing again I was convinced that the last time I’ve updated it was a year ago, but to my surprise was in July, so just 7 months have passed.
Not too bad, the important thing is I’m back.

I know you are biting your nails wondering what I’ve been up to, but worry not, you can go back to breathing, letting your nails grow and show them off, because I’m gonna brief you.

After my summer stay in Warsaw and those 2 weeks in Seville, I headed to Italy for a training camp in Monte Terminillo, a mountain about 100km east of Rome. I was getting ready for 2 races, one in Grottammare, Italy and another one in Managua, Nicaragua.
But I’ll talk about them later on.
After a month in Italy I went back to Seville for a couple of weeks before returning to Italy for the race in Grottammare.

After Grottammare I made a quick stop back in Sevilla and then headed to Hamburg for a badly timed training camp. The next race was gonna be in a really hot and humid city and I was gonna train a month in a freezing cold place.
Nevertheless I took advantage of it and of the great food you find in Hamburg.

After Hamburg I went to Seville for 2 days to unpack and pack for my 50 days in Honduras, since I was gonna race in Nicaragua I decided to take a break to enjoy all the best things Honduras has to offer, I spent Christmas and NYE there.
And please, just look at that pose, the table-less pose.

While in Honduras I went to Managua for my race, which was great, but I’ll give details later. The stay in Managua was awesome.

Now I’m back in Seville training and getting read for the season, which start tomorrow with a race in Algeciras.
Soon I’ll be heading places and seeing things and I hope to share them with you.
I’ll also update this regularly now, or at least try to, because I have things to say, a lot!!!
But first your turn:
What have you been up to?
Any babies born while I was gone?
You like my table-less pose? Great right?

Till next time, hopefully a week not 7 months.



  1. Have we all missed you? Of course! Did we notice that you were neglecting your faithful followers? Of course! Did we know you were having fun all over the world running, sweating, eating, playing, sightseeing, eating and eating some more? Of course. Hope you are happy – sounds like you are. That makes ME happy.

    Hugs, Pam

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We love seeing you and Doggie running (walking) around the world while Mom and I veg out on the couch with cookies and coffee. You’re the best!

    Love and licks,


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